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block8_17.jpg - Fig.9 93W3039, Transitional epithelium (cs) , HE. ThisH&E-stained specimen shows the 5- to 6-cell-layer thicknessof the epithelium in the relaxed ureter. The surface cells arecharacteristically the largest, and some surface cells arebinucleate (arrow). The ability of this epithelium to becomethinner and flatter allows all of these passages toaccommodate to distension by the urine.

Fig.9 93W3039, Transitional epithelium (cs) , HE. This H&E-stained specimen shows the 5- to 6-cell-layer thickness of the epithelium in the relaxed ureter. The surface cells are characteristically the largest, and some surface cells are binucleate (arrow). The ability of this epithelium to become thinner and flatter allows all of these passages to accommodate to distension by the urine.
