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block8_27.jpg - Fig.15 93W5246, Urethra Female (cs) , HE. The lining isinitially transitional epithelium, a continuation of the bladderepithelium, but changes to stratified squamous (SS)epithelium before its termination. Some investigators havereported the presence of stratified columnar andpseudostratified columnar epithelium in the midportion of thefemale urethra. The lamina propria is a highly vascularizedlayer of connective tissue (CT) that resembles the corpusspongiosum in the male. Some smooth muscle (SM) arepresent in the connective tissue. Where the urethrapenetrates the urogenital diaphragm, the striated muscle (St)forms the external urethral sphincter.

Fig.15 93W5246, Urethra Female (cs) , HE. The lining is initially transitional epithelium, a continuation of the bladder epithelium, but changes to stratified squamous (SS) epithelium before its termination. Some investigators have reported the presence of stratified columnar and pseudostratified columnar epithelium in the midportion of the female urethra. The lamina propria is a highly vascularized layer of connective tissue (CT) that resembles the corpus spongiosum in the male. Some smooth muscle (SM) are present in the connective tissue. Where the urethra penetrates the urogenital diaphragm, the striated muscle (St) forms the external urethral sphincter.
