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block11_12.jpg - Fig. 4 & 5, NK-2-c, k-2-a, Pituitary Gland, HEThis specimen is an oblique section of the pituitary gland.  The pars nervosa (posterior lobe) is the expanded  portion of the neurohypophysis. The pars distalis is the  largest part of the gland. It contains a variety of cell types  that are not uniformly distributed. This accounts for  differences in staining (light and dark staining areas) that  are seen throughout the pars distalis.

Fig. 5, k-2-a, Pituitary Gland, anterior lobe, HE This photomicrograph shows a region of the anterior lobe. The acidophils are readily identified by the acidophilic staining of their cytoplasm, in contrast to the basophils whose cytoplasm is clearly basophilic. Chromophobes are also very numerous in this field. The cytoplasm stains poorly in contrast to that of the acidophils and basophils. The cells are arranged in cords and clumps, between which are capillaries. Some of the capillaries can be recognized, but most are in a collapsed state and difficult to visualize at this magnification.
