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block14_33.jpg - Fig. 17, 93W5540, Ovary, Corpus Luteum, H&EA portion of a formed corpus luteum is shown here. Most endocrine  cells are the granulosa lutein cells (GLC). These form a folded cell  mass that surrounds the remains of the former follicular cavity.  External to the corpus luteum is the connective tissue (CT) of the  ovary. Keep in mind that the theca interna was derived from the  connective tissue stroma of the ovary. The location of theca lutein  cells (TLC) reflects this origin adjacent to the surrounding  connective tissue.

Fig. 17, 93W5540, Ovary, Corpus Luteum, H&E A portion of a formed corpus luteum is shown here. Most endocrine cells are the granulosa lutein cells (GLC). These form a folded cell mass that surrounds the remains of the former follicular cavity. External to the corpus luteum is the connective tissue (CT) of the ovary. Keep in mind that the theca interna was derived from the connective tissue stroma of the ovary. The location of theca lutein cells (TLC) reflects this origin adjacent to the surrounding connective tissue.
