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block14_41.jpg - Fig. 21, 93W7283, Oviduct, H&EIn the core of the mucosal fold is the highly cellular connective tissue  (CT) and the blood vessels (BV) within the connective tissue. The  lumen of the tube is lined by a simple columnar epithelium  composed of ciliated cells (arrow) and nonciliated cells. The  connective tissue contains cells whose nuclei are arranged typically  in a random manner. They vary in shape, being elongated, oval, or  round. The character of the connective tissue is essentially the same  from the epithelium to the muscularis, and for this reason, no  submucosa is described.

Fig. 21, 93W7283, Oviduct, H&E In the core of the mucosal fold is the highly cellular connective tissue (CT) and the blood vessels (BV) within the connective tissue. The lumen of the tube is lined by a simple columnar epithelium composed of ciliated cells (arrow) and nonciliated cells. The connective tissue contains cells whose nuclei are arranged typically in a random manner. They vary in shape, being elongated, oval, or round. The character of the connective tissue is essentially the same from the epithelium to the muscularis, and for this reason, no submucosa is described.
