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block14_25.jpg - Fig. 13, 93W7260, Ovary Mature, Human, H&EThe cortex of an ovary from a sexually mature individual is shown  here. On the surface, there is a single layer of epithelial cells  designated the germinal epithelium (GEP). This epithelium is  continuous with the serosa (peritoneum) of the mesovarium. The  germinal epithelium covers a dense fibrous connective tissue layer,  the tunica albuginea (TA); under the tunica albuginea are the  primordial follicles (PF).

Fig. 13, 93W7260, Ovary Mature, Human, H&E The cortex of an ovary from a sexually mature individual is shown here. On the surface, there is a single layer of epithelial cells designated the germinal epithelium (GEP). This epithelium is continuous with the serosa (peritoneum) of the mesovarium. The germinal epithelium covers a dense fibrous connective tissue layer, the tunica albuginea (TA); under the tunica albuginea are the primordial follicles (PF).
