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block1_20.jpg - Fig 7. W3240, Mesentery, FeCl3-hematoxylin. Looseconnective tissue is characterized by loosely arranged fibersand abundant cells as compared to the dense connectivetissue. The ground substance occupies more volume than thefibers do. This slide depicts a whole mount (wm) ofmesentery through it's entire thickness. The semifluid groundsubstance through which tissue fluid percolates is invisible,since it was extracted during the preparation of the slide.However, two types of fibers: the thicker, wavy, ribbon-likecollagen fibers and the thin, straight, branching elasticfibers (EF) are well demonstrated. The mast cells (M) areeasily to be identified, since they are the largest cells in thefield and posses a granular cytoplasm. Nuclei of other celltypes, i.e., lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages, arealso present but are not identifiable.

Fig 7. W3240, Mesentery, FeCl3-hematoxylin. Loose connective tissue is characterized by loosely arranged fibers and abundant cells as compared to the dense connective tissue. The ground substance occupies more volume than the fibers do. This slide depicts a whole mount (wm) of mesentery through it's entire thickness. The semifluid ground substance through which tissue fluid percolates is invisible, since it was extracted during the preparation of the slide. However, two types of fibers: the thicker, wavy, ribbon-like collagen fibers and the thin, straight, branching elastic fibers (EF) are well demonstrated. The mast cells (M) are easily to be identified, since they are the largest cells in the field and posses a granular cytoplasm. Nuclei of other cell types, i.e., lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages, are also present but are not identifiable.
