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block3_06.jpg - Fig.2 Diagram of lymph node structure. Surrounding thelymph node is a capsule of dense connective tissue fromwhich trabeculae (pink) extend into the substance of the node.Under the capsule and adjacent to the trabeculae are,respectively, the subcapsular sinus and the trabecularlymphatic sinuses (green). Afferent lymphatic vessels (arrows)penetrate the capsule and empty into the subcapsularsinus. The subcapsular sinus and trabecular sinusescommunicate with the medullary sinuses.Fig.3 93W6559 Lymph node, H&E. The dense outer portionof the lymph node is the cortex. It consists of aggregations oflymphocytes organized as nodules and a nodule-free deepcortex. The innermost portion, the medulla, extends to thesurface at the hilum, where blood vessels enter or leave andwhere efferent lymphatic vessels leave the node. Surroundingthe lymph node is the capsule.

Fig.2 Diagram of lymph node structure. Surrounding the lymph node is a capsule of dense connective tissue from which trabeculae (pink) extend into the substance of the node. Under the capsule and adjacent to the trabeculae are, respectively, the subcapsular sinus and the trabecular lymphatic sinuses (green). Afferent lymphatic vessels (arrows) penetrate the capsule and empty into the subcapsular sinus. The subcapsular sinus and trabecular sinuses communicate with the medullary sinuses.

Fig.3 93W6559 Lymph node, H&E. The dense outer portion of the lymph node is the cortex. It consists of aggregations of lymphocytes organized as nodules and a nodule-free deep cortex. The innermost portion, the medulla, extends to the surface at the hilum, where blood vessels enter or leave and where efferent lymphatic vessels leave the node. Surrounding the lymph node is the capsule.

