Fig 6. 93W4570, Liver, human (sec.) H&E.
The central vein (CV) and surrounding hepatocytes (H) are
shown in this figure at high magnification. Hepatocytes are large
polyhedral cells with round nuclei and are arranged in one-cell-
thick plates. The plates of the hepatocytes exhibit a radial
arrangement toward the central vein. The sinusoid (S) appears
as light areas between the cords of the hepatic cells. The cells
that line the sinusoids are endothelial cells (E) [squamous cell,
elongated nuclei] and Kupffer cells (K) [ovoid nuclei].
If you examine the outer surface of this slide, you would find the
tissue is covered by a capsule composed of collagenous tissue
called Glisson's capsule. Over the Glisson's capsule is a layer
of mesothelial cells from the peritoneum.