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block6-2_05.jpg - Fig 1. 93W6200 Muscle Types, Composite (sect) h&e.Fig 1a. There are three tissues in this slide: upper, cardiacmuscle; middle, smooth muscle; lower, skeletal muscle.A longitudinal section of skeletal muscle fibers is shown in Fig1b. Cylindrical skeletal muscle fibres arranged in parallel,unbranched patterns with multinuclei (N, arrow) where isperipherally location. The most important characteristic ofmuscle fibers are the cross-striations (CS) appearance andbetween two striation is a intact functional unit, calledsacromere (S) (upper right, arrow head).

Fig 1. 93W6200 Muscle Types, Composite (sect) h&e. Fig 1a. There are three tissues in this slide: upper, cardiac muscle; middle, smooth muscle; lower, skeletal muscle. A longitudinal section of skeletal muscle fibers is shown in Fig 1b. Cylindrical skeletal muscle fibres arranged in parallel, unbranched patterns with multinuclei (N, arrow) where is peripherally location. The most important characteristic of muscle fibers are the cross-striations (CS) appearance and between two striation is a intact functional unit, called sacromere (S) (upper right, arrow head).
