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block11_03.jpg - Microscopic structure of endocrine systemby observing following slides1.Thyroid gland  NK-1-a, Thyroid gland ( parathyroid gland ), HE (³æ²Õ)  K-1-a, Thyroid gland, HE (³æ²Õ)2.Pituitary gland  NK-2-c, Pituitary Gland, HE (³æ²Õ)  K-2-a, Pituitary Gland, HE (¸Ñ­å¬ì)3.Pineal gland  K-3-a, Pineal gland ( Epiphysis cerebri ), Monkey, HE (³æ²Õ)4.Adrenal gland  NK-5-a, Adrenal gland, Human, HE (³æ²Õ)

Microscopic structure of endocrine system by observing following slides

  1. Thyroid gland
    NK-1-a, Thyroid gland ( parathyroid gland ), HE (單組)
    HG0222, Thyroid gland, HE
  2. Pituitary gland K-2-a, Pituitary Gland, HE (解剖科)
  3. Pineal gland 93W6616, Pineal body, HE
  4. Adrenal gland 93W66610, Adrenal gland, HE
