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block15_17.jpg - Fig. 3-5 Higher magnification of the Pacinian corpuscle. Pacinian corpuscle are deep pressure receptors for mechanical and vibratory pressure. They are found in deep dermisand hypodermis as well as in connective tissue in joints and internal organs. Distortion of the Pacinian corpuscle produces an amplified mechanical stimulus in the core which istransduced into an action potential in the sensory neuron.

Fig. 3-5 Higher magnification of the Pacinian corpuscle. Pacinian corpuscle are deep pressure receptors for mechanical and vibratory pressure. They are found in deep dermis and hypodermis as well as in connective tissue in joints and internal organs. Distortion of the Pacinian corpuscle produces an amplified mechanical stimulus in the core which is transduced into an action potential in the sensory neuron.
