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block15_11.jpg - Fig. 3-2 Epidermis of thick skin. Note the extreme thick stratum corneum and, under this, a thin pale layer, the stratum lucidum. The deepest layer of cells, adjacent to the dermis, is the stratum basale. Adjacent to this is a layer several cells thick, designed as the stratum spinosum. The most superficial layer of nucleated cells is the stratum granulosum.

Fig. 3-2 Epidermis of thick skin. Note the extreme thick stratum corneum and, under this, a thin pale layer, the stratum lucidum. The deepest layer of cells, adjacent to the dermis, is the stratum basale. Adjacent to this is a layer several cells thick, designed as the stratum spinosum. The most superficial layer of nucleated cells is the stratum granulosum.
