題號 | 問 題 及 結 果 |
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您喜歡胚胎學嗎? 喜歡 (56/200) 還好(123/200) 不喜歡(21/200)
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您喜歡上胚胎學嗎? 喜歡(58/199) 還好(112/199) 不喜歡(29/199)
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您來上課的原因(可複選): 老師講的生動(101/266) 是必修,不得不(83/266) 內容有趣(55/266) 其他原因 (27/266)
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您不來上課的原因(可複選): 要趕報告、唸書、準備考試(118/323) 前一晚熬夜(83/323) 另有要事(41/323) 身體不舒服(40/323) 不喜歡上課(18/323) 老師上的不好(15/323) 對胚胎沒興趣(8/323) 去祭拜五臟廟(0/323)
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您覺得那幾個單元最吸引您?(可複選)443 (60)Digestive system (12) (48)Urogenital system (13) (47)Fetal periods (6) (45)Pharyngeal apparatus, face, somites (10) (44)The Nervous system (18) (37)Cardiovascular system (14) (34)Introduction, the beginning of human development (chap. 1,2) (33)Respiratory system (11) (32)The second to third week (3.4) (26)Organogenetic periods (5) (21)Body cavity, mesenteries, and diaphragm (9) (16)Placental, fetal membranes (7)
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這些單元吸引您的原因:(可複選)314 (96)比較聽的懂 (80)有動畫可看 (72)有興趣 (33)power point做的好 (19)要做報告 (14)其他原因
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不喜歡上胚胎學之原因:(可複選)290 (110)內容繁多 (89)不易理解 (34)學分太少 (27)沒有興趣 (19)其他原因 (11)老師講的無趣
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您覺得那幾個單元最難理解?460 (57)Body cavity, mesenteries, and diaphragm (9) (56)Pharyngeal apparatus, face, somites (10) (49)The second to third week (3.4) (47)The Nervous system (18) (42)Organogenetic period (5) (39)Cardiovascular system (14) (32)Fetal periods (6) (32)Placental, fetal membranes (7), (31)Urogenital system (13) (29)digestive system (12) (25)Respiratory system (11) (21)Introduction, the beginning of human development (chap. 1,2)
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不能理解之原因:(可複選)284 (142)內容繁多、太複雜(84)沒有時間準備 (20)沒有動畫 (20)其他原因 (18)老師講的不清楚
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您曾經試著下載解剖科網頁內之胚胎學相關上課內容嗎?197 有 (81) 沒有 (116)
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您覺得老師將講義、上課內容及相關網站放在網頁上,對您在課程準備上有沒有幫助?194 有(150) 沒有(44)
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您覺得目前將期末報告納入成績的比例(30%)是否適當?106 太多(19) 適當(77) 太少(10)
13 |
您覺得目前將期末報告納入成績計算後,會佔用您讀書的時間嗎?195 會 (36) 不會(138) 還好(21)
14 |
您覺得胚胎學應改為幾學分的課較適當? 191 1 (69) 2 (119) 3 (0) 4 (3)
15 |
您覺得胚胎學應改為?192 必修(148) 選修(41) 不需要修 (3)
16 |
您覺得胚胎學應於何時修課較為適當? BM1(47) D91(41) M90(103) 一上 4 一下 37 13 14 二上 4 8 29 二下 1 20 32 三上 1 0 28
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您贊成將胚胎、組織、大體解剖學整合為一門課嗎?192 YES (83) NO (108)
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您贊成將胚胎學改成為問題導向學習的方式嗎?185 YES (47) NO (138)
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以下為The developing human (Moore & Persaud, 7th ed.) 之所有單元,請選出您覺得最重要的10個單元?( 之單元尚未排入課程) (134)Cardiovascular system (14) (121)Digestive system (12) (118)The Nervous system (18) (115)Organogenetic period (5) (115)Urogenital system (13) (113)Respiratory system (11) (111)The second to third week (3.4) (109)Fetal period (6) (104)Pharyngeal apparatus, face, somites (10) (92)Introduction, the beginning of human development (chap. 1,2) (90)Placental, fetal membranes (7), (82)Body cavity, mesenteries, and diaphragm (9) (79)Human birth defects(8) (37)Skeletal system (15) (37)The eye and ear (19) (28)Muscular system(16) (27)The integumentary system(20) (19)The limbs(17) (4) 其他