Fig 10. 93W6141 Bone, Ground preparation (cs).
At the center of osteon is an osteonal canal (Haversian canal,
HC) that contains soft tissues (not retained in ground sections).
The Haversian canals and other spaces will appear black if filled
with India ink or air. Layers of mineralized concentric lamellae
surround the Haversian canal. The canal is also surrounded by
concentric arrangements of lacunae (L).
Perforating canals (Volkmann's canals, VC) travel from one
Haversian canal to another. These canals pass blood vessels
reach the Haversian canals from the periosteal and endosteal
surface to reach other tunnels. Volkmann's canals can be
distinguished from Haversian canals in that they pass through
lamellae, whereas Haversian canals are surrounded by
concentric rings of lamellae.